(1) Directive (i.e. preposition-equivalent).
(2) One of the following: (a) pronoun-equivalent; (b) general article; (c) numeral.
(3) A qualifier of (4), i.e. an adverb-equivalent.
(4) A qualifier of (5), i.e. an adjective-equivalent.
(5) A noun-equivalent, usually a substantive as defined above.

There is no formal distinction between adjective and adverb or adjective and abstract noun. Nearly all epithets (i.e. words which can replace an Aryan adjective) can also serve as qualifiers of other epithets (cf. fast in English), or as verbal qualifiers, and as the nominal equivalent of the attribute (cf. the True and the Beautiful; but no epithet can be a pronoun, as in the construction: the good (=good people) die young. The epithet as qualifier of another epithet precedes the word it qualifies as the epithet which qualifies the noun precedes the final substantive of the subject cluster. Where ambiguity might arise owing to absence of formal distinction between adverb and adjective, we resort to the use of plus or syn (and) as in the English model (fast and sinking ship). Here the link and shows that the two adjectives qualify ship. We thus get the following rule. If two epithets occur in juxtaposition the first is the qualifier of the second (cf. a fast sinking ship = a ship fast sinking); but if two epithets independently qualify the same noun-equivalent, syn (123) separates them.

The verboid qualifier may consist of three elements: (a) the negative particle non; (b) one of the three temporal particles pre, nun, post; (c) an amplifier which does the work of a modal auxiliary. The last (c) comes next to the key verboid, the first next to the subject cluster, e.g.:

Mi no pre poto acte re = I could not do so

The general rule that any single qualifying word must immediately precede the word it qualifies admits of one exception to allow for afterthought. Words or expressions which qualify a sentence or clause as a whole may come at the beginning of it or at the end, as do surely and a long while in the English sentences: (a) surely you don't mean that; (b) he has been staying there a long while. The rules for clause-order are as in English, viz.:

(a) A noun clause follows the principal without a conjunction equivalent to that;

(b) An adverbial clause preferably precedes the principal;

(c) A relative clause immediately follows the substantive which it qualifies.