Hints for writing Glosa

 \ Be sure of the pronunciation: borrow a "How to Speak Italian" cassette
     from your library, for the five Italian vowel sounds; say words out
     loud - or in your head.  Do NOT simply read Glosa words using English
     language pronunciation.
 \ Aim to think in Glosa as soon as you possibly can: play with the Glosa
     words in your head, directly, rather than try to translate from your
     national language into Glosa.
 \ Avoid thinking in national language idiom when marshalling ideas to
     express them in Glosa; and, in general, avoid, where possible, the
     metaphorical use of concepts.  Glosa works best if you think about the
     ideas you are expressing, and use the ``right'' word to convey each
 \ Practice making short uncomplicated sentences, at first.  Get the `feel'
     of the language before launching out into literary prose.
 \ Go for FLUENCY when you start: accuracy will come later, but a flow of
     language is better than a faultering , though correct, sentence.


 * What speeded up my Glosa most, was in attempting to use the language to
get the particular meaning I wanted.  This happened when I attempted to
retell well-known children's stories in Glosa.

 * When writing a sentence aim for balance in your style and a good sound
in the words: a well written sentence should flow, and the relationship of
the parts of the sentence should be immediately apparent to a reader.

 * Edit what you have written: it should look, feel and sound good.  On
reading your Glosa sentence out aloud, it should sound good and remind you
of the thoughts that were in your mind when you wrote it.

 * When choosing words, to express your ideas, Glosa works best if you
avoid derivative and metphoric vocabulary, and select the actual root
words that  express the particular idea.

 * Is it too much to say that, in Glosa, cliched thinking and national
language idiom are out?  Such non-literal language varies from culture to
culture, and does not translate well; in the arena of global communication
cliche and idiom are just bad style.  If non-literal language cannot be
avoided, it can be marked off using an agreed convention, such as placing
asterisks around it:
   e.g. Yesterday, it was raining cats and dogs, and we got wet through.
        Pa-di, u meteo pa pluvi *plu felis e plu kanis* e na pa gene
           kompleti ge-hidro.

Robin F. Gaskell Tel. 61-2-9726 0952
PO Box 21, Cabramatta NSW 2166, Australia
Email: rgaskell@zeta.org.au

The Glosa Educational Organisation is a Registered Charity in the UK

R Clark & W Ashby, GEO
PO Box 18, Richmond, Surry TW9 2AU, Great Britain
Email: glosauk@cix.compulink.co.uk

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