Virtual Poohsticks Game 46115

From: Pooh Sticks Server
Subject: Game 46115 of Pooh Sticks has finished.
To: William
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 99 02:06:43 EST

Greetings William,

After waiting for some time, a cheer went up as William spotted the daughter's stick belonging to William. Next came Jelly Bean's achingly beautiful and fragrant calla lily, then fluff's soft fluff, Jetlag's willow branch in the shape of a 737-200, Carinson's round and purple hunny pot, Wispy's red koosh ball, Dish's delicious pint of Guinness, Nic's Long and Thin Stick, Tigger's purple pinecone and finally samiam's very small but assured whosywhatsit with a purple thingamabob.

Afterwards there was much joy and merry-making as all concerned celebrated the conclusion of another successful game of pooh-sticks. After everyone had calmed down it was decided that we should all go back to Jelly Bean's house in Danby, Vermont USA for a little smackerel of something.

The results in full are:

  1. William
  2. Jelly Bean
  3. fluff
  4. Jetlag
  5. Carinson
  6. Wispy
  7. Dish
  8. Nic
  9. Tigger
  10. samiam

The Results of theis game will be published on the Virtual Pooh Sticks Web Site.

NB. The Game HTML now contains a link to each player's stats page instead of just their email address.

If anyone spots any problems with the site please mail me with a description of the problem and ideally a way that I might be able to recreate it and I'll fix it as soon as I get a chance.
