Capacitor Jokes

A farad is 1 coulomb/volt, the mks unit of capacitance.
The freshman/charge version is probably the oldest Capacitor Joke, making use of the capacitor/charge pun...
A freshman goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, charge it." says the freshman.
Next we replace the freshman with a duck and the charge with a bill, making use of the duck/bill pun. This version is somewhat funnier for those who already have knowledge of the older joke, for they are expecting the capacitor/charge pun but instead receive the duck/bill pun...
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
Now we observe the duck once again, returning to the capacitor/charge pun. This version can stand alone but one does wonder why a duck...
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, charge it." says the duck.
The clerk finally wises up, but the duck zings him anyway...
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Charge it?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
This example has two punchlines if you know the jokes...
A freshman goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Charge it?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the freshman.
Now for something somewhat different...
A neutron goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"How much?" asks the neutron.
"For you, no charge." says the clerk.
The capacitor joke without the capacitor...
A duck goes into a drugstore and asks for a Chapstick.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
Now with neither duck nor capacitor, no explicit charge either, auf Deutsch...
Kommt einer Hahn in den Elektroladen und sagt:
"Ich hätte gerne eine Legebatterie."
9 Februaro 1997 de Ailanto kreita, 27 Novembro 2002 modifita.